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137 bewertungen

Achim M.

Kunde seit  4 Jahre(n) 17 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 11.07.2024

Toller Stellplatz

Der Stellplatz in diesem wunderschönen Ort ist neu a gelegt und direkt am Kanal. Die Rasenflächen müssen noch wachsen.

Scati S.

Kunde seit  10 Jahre(n) 6 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 16.07.2024

Pavimentazione orribile

La pavimentazione è orribile, non stabilizzata e si trasforma in trappola se piove un po di più

Antwort von CAMPING-CAR - PARK  Am  17/07/2024

Salve, La ringraziamo per la Sua recensione sull'area di servizio Josselin in cui ha soggiornato. Non tutte le aree di sosta della rete sono asfaltate. Durante l'autunno e l'inverno, vi invitiamo a utilizzare i cerotti antighiaccio per il vostro comfort e la vostra tranquillità. Se desiderate solo parcheggi stabilizzati, una descrizione e delle foto dell'area sono disponibili sul nostro sito web e sulla nostra app. Saremo lieti di sentirvi, Dorian

Silvia L.

Kunde seit  2 Monat 4 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 10.07.2024

Nice place, but no water

We went to this area hoping to use the water services, but they were not working. some people came and looked at the post, but didn't fix It. Still, we were charged the whole fee.

Antwort von CAMPING-CAR - PARK  Am  12/07/2024

Hello Silvia, Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear about the problems you encountered during your stay. Please be aware that as soon as we are informed of a malfunction, our technical support team deals with the request. We will do our best to restore the information. We look forward to seeing you again soon at one of the sites in the CAMPING-CAR PARK network! Ilse

Jer R.

Kunde seit  6 Monat 9 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 09.07.2024

Il est super bien situé près du canal et à 5mn à pied du chateau Dommage lors de notre séjour panne sur la borne d eau Et il manque un peu de cailloux sur les emplacement car en tant de pluie c est un peu boueux.

Antwort von CAMPING-CAR - PARK  Am  10/07/2024

Bonjour, Merci pour ce retour. Votre témoignage nous a permis de solutionner au plus vite les problèmes techniques sur l'aire de Josselin. Nous faisons de notre mieux pour améliorer notre service afin d’éviter que ce genre de désagrément se reproduise. A bientôt sur le réseau. Emma

Christelle H.

Kunde seit  3 Jahre(n) 21 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 08.07.2024

Parfait ou presque

Près du canal top, calme si pas de fête à proximité...salle traiteur Site récemment aménagé Quelques remarques : Pas de passage pour sortie vélo ou personne à mobilité réduite près de la barrière de péage La zone de vidange aurait dû être légèrement en pente pour faciliter l écoulement des eaux usées,trop plat Et la plate-forme des robinets n est pas au même niveau que les zones de vidange, attention aux Chevilles quand vous êtes entre les 2 plate-formes. Dommage c est ne

Antwort von CAMPING-CAR - PARK  Am  09/07/2024

Bonjour Christelle, merci d'avoir pris le temps de donner votre avis sur l'aire. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter lorsque vous constatez des dysfonctionnement de ce type via le formulaire de contact en joignant des photos. Ainsi, nous aviserons le service concerné. En espérant vous recevoir bientôt sur nos aires CAMPING-CAR PARK. Amandine

Paul G.

Kunde seit  2 Jahre(n) 3 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 15.07.2024

Good but poor ground conditions.

I have stayed here many times when free and I’m pleased to see this is now a Camping Carpark. Well thought out but very disappointed that the ground has not been up graded to cope with wet weather. Within one week of opening the ground is in very poor condition.

Antwort von CAMPING-CAR - PARK  Am  15/07/2024

Hello Paul, thank you for your feedback to CAMPING-CAR PARK. I apologise for any impact this may have had on your stay and for your disappointment. We are proposing improvements based on feedback from our customers. However, we would ask you to drive with de-sludging plates to avoid any risk of getting stuck. We look forward to seeing you at the network's service areas, Amandine

Botterill C.

Kunde seit  6 Jahre(n) 15 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 07.07.2024

July 24

Nice stay by river - wonderful Restuarant right next door - would return - close walk into beautiful town

Steve G.

Kunde seit  6 Jahre(n) 8 Etappen Bei CAMPING-CAR-PARK
Am 07.07.2024


Excellent clean and modern camping car park located by a river on the edge of the town. Looks like the facilities have recently been renovated as the tarmac was new as where the hook up points, bins and water / waste / elsen point. Was very quiet and located next to a fantastic restaurant which had a Euro 17 fixed price Saturday lunch. Very big portions and good quality. Would definitely come back for another visit